3D computer
What are 3D models? A 3D model is a virtual layout of an object. Three-dimensional…

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How to choose a tablet?
If you have a child, then such a question does not arise before him. The…

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Why does your site load for a long time?
Remember how often you get annoyed when you go to Odnoklassniki.ru. And the point here…

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Why and how to solve Web-Quest?

According to my observations, after the advent of various technologies in our lives, for example, computers, the older generation increasingly begins to spy on children: “Why did we buy a computer for you? For study or for toys? ” And it’s really funny, in the eyes of caring parents, their child instead of studying is sitting at the next shooter, killing scary monsters for hours.

On the other hand, few adults can come up with an interesting use of the computer for educational purposes – well, unless options slip in the form of typing into a test editor or printout of a report on any subject. At school, the computer is used in almost the same way – the student is given the standard task, he sits at the computer for the whole lesson, and with a ringing under a funny boom, he rushes for a break, shaking out the particles of knowledge he got from his head. What interest in learning can we talk Continue reading

What is a tablet computer for?

What is a tablet computer for? First of all, so that a person is not tied to his home or workplace and can move freely anywhere, but at the same time be constantly in touch and up to date with all the events.

The tablet computer is equipped with a touch screen, and you can control it with a stylus or finger. Ease of management is that on a tablet computer you can work both using the keyboard and mouse, and without them. Why do you need a tablet computer, everyone decides for himself. For one, it’s just a fashion accessory, for another, it’s a necessary thing for work, the third gives presentations on it, the fourth just listens to music or watches a movie. Continue reading

What is a “computer generation”? Generation “2” and the following

“If the aviation industry had developed as rapidly as the computing industry in the past 25 years, now a Boeing 767 would cost $ 500 and fly around the globe in 20 minutes, spending five gallons of fuel. These figures very accurately reflect the reduction in cost, increase in speed and increase the efficiency of computers. ” Scientific American 1983, No. 8. Second Generation: Transistor-Based Computers When transistors came in place of lamps, it immediately pushed all computer-related technologies. Electricity consumption has sharply decreased, the size of computers has sharply decreased, and speed has increased. Computers from monsters occupying entire floors of buildings turned first into devices the size of a closet, then into a suitcase placed on a table, then into a small box, then they became even smaller. And bugs, instead of cockroaches burnt on the contacts, turned into software errors. Continue reading

From Windows to Linux?
I have been repairing and maintaining computers for over 20 years. Started work at MSDOS.…


What is the Morris Worm?
In early November 1988, the first ever network attack on computers connected to the global…


Is it possible to create thinking machines? Alan Turing: Between the Past and the Future of Computer Engineering
The second half of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century were marked…
