How do daddy kids with computers decide the future?
Dad, kids and computer. Why not “mothers, children and a computer”? Because mom has something…

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How to choose a tablet?
If you have a child, then such a question does not arise before him. The…

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Silent computer - is this possible? Quite!
The topic of silent operation of a personal computer has always been quite relevant, since…

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widely heard

Why and how to solve Web-Quest?

According to my observations, after the advent of various technologies in our lives, for example, computers, the older generation increasingly begins to spy on children: “Why did we buy a computer for you? For study or for toys? ” And it’s really funny, in the eyes of caring parents, their child instead of studying is sitting at the next shooter, killing scary monsters for hours.

On the other hand, few adults can come up with an interesting use of the computer for educational purposes – well, unless options slip in the form of typing into a test editor or printout of a report on any subject. At school, the computer is used in almost the same way – the student is given the standard task, he sits at the computer for the whole lesson, and with a ringing under a funny boom, he rushes for a break, shaking out the particles of knowledge he got from his head. What interest in learning can we talk Continue reading

Computer graphics. What is it?

Speaking in a dry scientific language, computer graphics (for brevity we will call it CG, in the colloquial terms of users – CJ) refers to the field of computer science, which studies methods and means of creating and processing images using hardware and software systems.

This is read by a person who is far from such high matters, understands little, is frightened and involuntarily makes himself negative about her. But there is nothing to be afraid of. CG for us now is the second environment after the environment of nature, which many have ceased to see, sitting in the city walls and facing the monitor. If translated into a very simple language, then CG are those images that we see on this very monitor or screen and which are easy to copy, for example, onto paper, which has still remained one of the external storage media. Continue reading

How to keep your computer healthy?
A computer is a universal tool that allows you to work, relax, chat, or shop.…


How to choose a tablet?
If you have a child, then such a question does not arise before him. The…


The computer is very noisy
PC noise often interferes with collecting thoughts, annoying - especially in the absence of other…
