What is Rear Admiral Grace Hopper famous for?
Grace Hopper was an excellent mathematician and one of the first "encoders", so-called programmers. In…

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Work at the computer. How to avoid occupational diseases?
They came without an invitation and said: “Hello, allow me to introduce myself: these are…

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Free software for the computer: "nothing to wear"?
You bought a computer for your home, turned it on ... - and you immediately…

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your information

Goodbye personal computer?

In a large store of audio-video equipment, where he wandered for batteries, I watched the following picture. Three migrant workers from sunny Tajikistan (or Uzbekistan) were animatedly discussing a 17-inch laptop model worth about 60,000 rubles. They opened Vista menus, poked a finger at the price tag, got acquainted with the technical data. Clearly wanted to buy a typewriter. Being an individualist, I easily assume that someone is buying one. After all, a computer must be personal. For myself, for my wife, for a child, for elderly parents. You can also buy a dog. Everything is in full accordance with the best model of society – the consumer capitalist. Only it is unlikely that a guest worker will earn nearly 2,000 US tenge per laptop. It’s not only for him to live, he still needs to send a part of the money home to his wife and children. Well, is it possible to take for three … It turns out twenty thousand people. If for six – only 10 pieces. A netbook is more expensive, but here is a full-fledged laptop, a good brand, powerful hardware. Continue reading

Computer graphics. What is it?
Speaking in a dry scientific language, computer graphics (for brevity we will call it CG,…


Choosing a computer correctly
Some people prefer to buy already-equipped models in stores, thinking that the specialists in them…


Computer for graphics
Computer graphics can be divided into three-dimensional and two-dimensional. Three-dimensional consists of a skeleton and…
