How do daddy kids with computers decide the future?
Dad, kids and computer. Why not “mothers, children and a computer”? Because mom has something…

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How much did the first personal computer cost?
I must say that April 1 was a suitable day for the birth of a…

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How to choose a tablet?
If you have a child, then such a question does not arise before him. The…

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beyond recognition

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Where to start learning programming?

How to learn the art of computer programming? And programming is an art! How to make a complex machine execute your commands? How to understand all the many programming languages?

Where to begin? What to pay special attention to? From the abundance of information on this issue dizzy. Do not despair, I will help you. Many programming languages ​​have been invented, and many are no longer relevant. There is no need to learn all languages, it is important to choose a language for your tasks. All these languages ​​have in common – they don’t speak them, they write programs. A program is a sequence of statements. Continue reading

Will computers kill chess as a sport?

The question would seem to be simple, but finding the answer to it is not so simple. Let’s try to figure it out together. For centuries, chess has been a human game, but technology does not stand still. Mankind has long been trying to create an artificial brain in one sense or another of the word. The main task of this work is to teach the brain to think like a person. To do this, you need to come up with a methodology for checking “brain activity”, and according to programmers, chess is the best suited for this. Chess is a sport of the mind. Only the ability to think, think, analyze better (or, alternatively, in a different way) than your opponent does, will allow you to win. The first chess programs were very primitive. They evaluated which move would be the best in this situation, without having a common game strategy. This method of “thinking” usually ran counter to chess theory. On the one hand, a classical chess player familiar with the Continue reading

Computer graphics. What is it?

Speaking in a dry scientific language, computer graphics (for brevity we will call it CG, in the colloquial terms of users – CJ) refers to the field of computer science, which studies methods and means of creating and processing images using hardware and software systems.

This is read by a person who is far from such high matters, understands little, is frightened and involuntarily makes himself negative about her. But there is nothing to be afraid of. CG for us now is the second environment after the environment of nature, which many have ceased to see, sitting in the city walls and facing the monitor. If translated into a very simple language, then CG are those images that we see on this very monitor or screen and which are easy to copy, for example, onto paper, which has still remained one of the external storage media. Continue reading

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What is a tablet computer for?
What is a tablet computer for? First of all, so that a person is not…


Computer for graphics
Computer graphics can be divided into three-dimensional and two-dimensional. Three-dimensional consists of a skeleton and…


How does a person control a computer? Present and future
What devices do we use to control computers with? At first there were the tumblers,…
