Why and how to solve Web-Quest?
According to my observations, after the advent of various technologies in our lives, for example,…

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How did Seymour Cray build supercomputers?
Elite customers bought the first supercomputers - the Atomic Energy Commission and the Weather Bureau.…

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Should I use a standard video editor? Windows movie maker
When a large amount of diverse video material is accumulated on the computer of an…

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monitors appeared

Goodbye personal computer?

In a large store of audio-video equipment, where he wandered for batteries, I watched the following picture. Three migrant workers from sunny Tajikistan (or Uzbekistan) were animatedly discussing a 17-inch laptop model worth about 60,000 rubles. They opened Vista menus, poked a finger at the price tag, got acquainted with the technical data. Clearly wanted to buy a typewriter. Being an individualist, I easily assume that someone is buying one. After all, a computer must be personal. For myself, for my wife, for a child, for elderly parents. You can also buy a dog. Everything is in full accordance with the best model of society – the consumer capitalist. Only it is unlikely that a guest worker will earn nearly 2,000 US tenge per laptop. It’s not only for him to live, he still needs to send a part of the money home to his wife and children. Well, is it possible to take for three … It turns out twenty thousand people. If for six – only 10 pieces. A netbook is more expensive, but here is a full-fledged laptop, a good brand, powerful hardware. Continue reading

What is the Morris Worm?

In early November 1988, the first ever network attack on computers connected to the global network took place. Her culprit was Cornell University graduate student Robert Tappan Morris.

The program, written by Robert Morris, had a small dictionary of the most well-known passwords, which provided it with penetration of 10 percent of computers connected to ARPANET. Once on a foreign computer, the program first checked whether the same program was already installed here. If the computer was still “clean”, the program masked its presence in the system, read a file that contained information about users of the “occupied” system, forwarded this information to the author, and then Continue reading

How to keep your computer healthy?

A computer is a universal tool that allows you to work, relax, chat, or shop. At the same time, even without visiting malicious sites, you cannot be sure of protecting your computer, as the search for vulnerabilities in the IT industry is always ahead of the development of protection. Thus, you should independently worry about the safety of your data with the help of an antivirus.

What is it and why is it necessary? The comfort of using a particular system is inversely related to security. This rule has some derogations, but in general terms it looks just like that. Therefore, no matter how comfortable it is to work, one must assume the possibility of hacking. Even by accessing regular pages and not clicking any unnecessary links, you can get malware onto your computer if the page you Continue reading

How does a person control a computer? Present and future
What devices do we use to control computers with? At first there were the tumblers,…


What to choose - Nvidia or Radeon? Video cards
When buying a computer, the question of choosing a video card is acute. And everyone…


Steve Jobs: why did he succeed?
Apple fans realized that this was inevitable. Their antagonists and indifferents did not think about…
