Choosing a computer correctly
Some people prefer to buy already-equipped models in stores, thinking that the specialists in them…

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How to choose an antivirus program?
Each computer user often wonders what kind of antivirus is better. The Internet has enough…

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Who invented the Ctrl-Alt-Del combination?
This year, personal computers turn 33 years old. And how many miracles for this short…

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several publications

What is a tablet computer for?

What is a tablet computer for? First of all, so that a person is not tied to his home or workplace and can move freely anywhere, but at the same time be constantly in touch and up to date with all the events.

The tablet computer is equipped with a touch screen, and you can control it with a stylus or finger. Ease of management is that on a tablet computer you can work both using the keyboard and mouse, and without them. Why do you need a tablet computer, everyone decides for himself. For one, it’s just a fashion accessory, for another, it’s a necessary thing for work, the third gives presentations on it, the fourth just listens to music or watches a movie. Continue reading

How does a computer affect a child?
How often, remembering our childhood, we catch ourselves thinking that at the present time life…


Why does your site load for a long time?
Remember how often you get annoyed when you go to And the point here…


The computer is very noisy
PC noise often interferes with collecting thoughts, annoying - especially in the absence of other…
