Who are the first hackers?
Interestingly, modern schoolchildren and students of technical universities realize that the history of computers did…

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How did Seymour Cray build supercomputers?
Elite customers bought the first supercomputers - the Atomic Energy Commission and the Weather Bureau.…

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Computer for a designer
Designers are divided into those who work with two-dimensional graphics and three-dimensional. Working with 3D…

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prestigious awards

Home mini server? Easy and convenient

Many people associate with the word “server” with a large expensive computer installed in a separate room, and with the constantly gloomy system administrator on duty near this farm

Far fewer users know that for a long time there have been home mini-servers on sale, weighing only about 200 grams, without moving parts (which means completely silent), costing $ 100-200. Why is this needed? In fact, the home server is a fully configured and ready-to-work mini-computer that provides users with many useful features. The technology is called NAS (Network Attached Storage), which translates as “network storage”, but the functions of modern devices go far beyond simple file storage. Continue reading

Why and how to solve Web-Quest?

According to my observations, after the advent of various technologies in our lives, for example, computers, the older generation increasingly begins to spy on children: “Why did we buy a computer for you? For study or for toys? ” And it’s really funny, in the eyes of caring parents, their child instead of studying is sitting at the next shooter, killing scary monsters for hours.

On the other hand, few adults can come up with an interesting use of the computer for educational purposes – well, unless options slip in the form of typing into a test editor or printout of a report on any subject. At school, the computer is used in almost the same way – the student is given the standard task, he sits at the computer for the whole lesson, and with a ringing under a funny boom, he rushes for a break, shaking out the particles of knowledge he got from his head. What interest in learning can we talk Continue reading

Can I start programming in 5 minutes? Is quite real

The topic of programming lessons has been raised more than once, but many of these materials are either too complicated for beginners or require additional preparation and installation of various (often expensive and time-consuming) software packages. Is it possible to do without all this? Can!

We will try to get by with a minimum of additional information, so that in 5 minutes our first program will work. So let’s get started. Introduction According to the encyclopedia, a computer program is a sequence of instructions for a computer. A programming language is a formalized way of writing computer programs. It is important to note that the computer itself does not need a “human” language; it copes well with machine codes in binary format. These codes are simple instructions like: “Take the number at address 100, add the number at address 101, put the result in cell 102”. Continue reading

How did Seymour Cray build supercomputers?
Elite customers bought the first supercomputers - the Atomic Energy Commission and the Weather Bureau.…


What revolutionary computer novelty did the manufacturer prepare for release? SPACE LUMINA
We are witnessing the advent of a new computer era, the era of the so-called…


How does a computer affect a child?
How often, remembering our childhood, we catch ourselves thinking that at the present time life…
