Work at the computer. How to avoid occupational diseases?
They came without an invitation and said: “Hello, allow me to introduce myself: these are…

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Is it possible to create thinking machines? Alan Turing: Between the Past and the Future of Computer Engineering
The second half of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century were marked…

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What can tablets be like?
It would seem a banal question. But today, not everything is so simple: the boom…

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mushrooms after

Why does your site load for a long time?

Remember how often you get annoyed when you go to And the point here is not at all that you do not like to communicate on social networks or simply have something against the site’s management. Not at all, the whole problem is that you can have time to drink 5 cups of tea before the page of this resource loads in the browser. No matter how good, informative, and useful the site may be, it needs to work quickly. If this requirement is not met, in most cases the resource will lose its visitors, who will prefer a less high-quality, but faster portal, in return. Therefore, I would like to talk about the reasons for the slow operation of your resource, so that later you can move on to methods to eliminate Continue reading

How does a computer affect a child?

How often, remembering our childhood, we catch ourselves thinking that at the present time life is becoming more intense, richer, more active. Particularly acute is the lack of time and the desire to embrace the immense.

What can we say about the babies, to whose share it fell to be born in this difficult time, when the very concept of childhood changes, displacing our usual idea of ​​it. A variety of information is streaming onto the younger generation, the loads in schools go off the scale, and now we see a situation when the kids are already beginning to learn the computer almost from the cradle. What is it? The requirements of modern life or something else? Let’s try to figure it out together. There are both followers and opponents of Continue reading

How much did the first personal computer cost?

I must say that April 1 was a suitable day for the birth of a company that was going to do business at that time not at all serious, namely the sale of personal computers. In 1976, in the United States, this business seemed highly dubious. Who could be interested in personal computers at that time? Only crazy hams. For them, parts were sold in the store, from which the Altair 8800 home computer could be assembled without special difficulties. Those who did not want to bother with a soldering iron and with a setting could ask the seller in the store to assemble it for a small additional fee. A home computer could be connected to a TV and, paying for an additional communication unit, to a household cassette recorder. What to do next? No one knew. So the founders of the Apple company, the famous Steve Jobs (1955−2011) and the now less known Steve Wozniak, not only two namesakes, but also two friends, decided to take up a clearly unsuccessful business. Fools! Stupid kids! Continue reading

How much did the first personal computer cost?
I must say that April 1 was a suitable day for the birth of a…


How much did the first personal computer cost?
I must say that April 1 was a suitable day for the birth of a…


Cleaning personal computer components
Cleaning personal computer components On numerous forums with surprising constancy there are branches in which…
