Choosing a computer correctly
Some people prefer to buy already-equipped models in stores, thinking that the specialists in them…

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Silent computer - is this possible? Quite!
The topic of silent operation of a personal computer has always been quite relevant, since…

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Is it possible to create thinking machines? Alan Turing: Between the Past and the Future of Computer Engineering
The second half of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century were marked…

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really capable

How does a computer affect a child?

How often, remembering our childhood, we catch ourselves thinking that at the present time life is becoming more intense, richer, more active. Particularly acute is the lack of time and the desire to embrace the immense.

What can we say about the babies, to whose share it fell to be born in this difficult time, when the very concept of childhood changes, displacing our usual idea of ​​it. A variety of information is streaming onto the younger generation, the loads in schools go off the scale, and now we see a situation when the kids are already beginning to learn the computer almost from the cradle. What is it? The requirements of modern life or something else? Let’s try to figure it out together. There are both followers and opponents of Continue reading

Why and how to solve Web-Quest?
According to my observations, after the advent of various technologies in our lives, for example,…


Is it possible to create thinking machines? Alan Turing: Between the Past and the Future of Computer Engineering
The second half of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century were marked…


What can tablets be like?
It would seem a banal question. But today, not everything is so simple: the boom…
