Goodbye personal computer?
In a large store of audio-video equipment, where he wandered for batteries, I watched the…

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How to get a Turing Award?
The most famous scientific award in the world is undoubtedly the Nobel Prize. It was…

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Work at the computer. How to avoid occupational diseases?
They came without an invitation and said: “Hello, allow me to introduce myself: these are…

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undesirable action

How do daddy kids with computers decide the future?

Dad, kids and computer. Why not “mothers, children and a computer”? Because mom has something to do in the house, and dad – not always. Most dads do not know how and do not want to do anything. They bring money. Moms tolerate any antics of dads for the money. If dad just lies on the couch, resting, then mom was lucky, this is the minimum evil.

And also because dad is power. Power in the house. And if there is no power, then there is no father. If the head of the family is mom, then dad is another child, and with a developmental delay. So, what happens in the house when there is a computer in it (almost everyone has it now)? Continue reading

How did Seymour Cray build supercomputers?

Elite customers bought the first supercomputers – the Atomic Energy Commission and the Weather Bureau. For three years, 63 CDC 6600 computers were sold, these computers worked in major US academic institutions. But there are no limits to the best … Seymour CrayFoto: Source In 1968, the CDC 7600 supercomputer was released, which was then again the fastest computer in the world. The clock frequency of its central processor was 36 megahertz (the clock frequency of a modern commercial personal computer is a thousand times higher). A total of 50 of these computers were sold. Few? But we should not forget that the supercomputer both then and now is a very expensive car, they are bought individually. Therefore, this market is quite limited. The next model, the CDC 8600, was made, but they did not release it to the market. Having gained a position in the world of business, the company began to expand and promote more profitable commercial projects. Reckless youth ended, the usual work began, in many ways routine. Life was to become prosperous, but boring. We are moving to a new building: the housing problem spoiled the Muscovites … but not the Petersburgers! We are looking for special mortgage conditions on the St. Petersburg Real Estate website and begin to plan our new life in a new area of ​​the city. Recommended St. Petersburg Real Estate Cray realized that he had to leave in order to make a new take-off. Continue reading

How does a person control a computer? Present and future

What devices do we use to control computers with? At first there were the tumblers, then the electric typewriters. The technique developed, color video monitors appeared, various new devices appeared that made it possible to control a computer. Color monitors have been very popular since the 1990s for the then latest Windows OS. And at the same time, many devices were invented, invented back in the DOS era and found use after it – in the Windows era. Photo: Depositphotos Computer mouse The mouse was patented in 1970. The author of the “mouse” is California engineer Douglas Engelbard. As a standard computer peripheral, a computer mouse began to act in the Xerox 8010 mini-computer, and it cost then, if you translate it into modern money, no less than $ 1,000! As time went on, technology improved, the Apple mouse in 1983 already began to cost only $ 25, and when the world began to take over the Continue reading

Who are the first hackers?
Interestingly, modern schoolchildren and students of technical universities realize that the history of computers did…


Should I use a standard video editor? Windows movie maker
When a large amount of diverse video material is accumulated on the computer of an…


How to get a Turing Award?
The most famous scientific award in the world is undoubtedly the Nobel Prize. It was…
