Computer graphics. What is it?
Speaking in a dry scientific language, computer graphics (for brevity we will call it CG,…

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Computer for graphics
Computer graphics can be divided into three-dimensional and two-dimensional. Three-dimensional consists of a skeleton and…

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Who are the first hackers?
Interestingly, modern schoolchildren and students of technical universities realize that the history of computers did…

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physical properties

How does a computer affect a child?

How often, remembering our childhood, we catch ourselves thinking that at the present time life is becoming more intense, richer, more active. Particularly acute is the lack of time and the desire to embrace the immense.

What can we say about the babies, to whose share it fell to be born in this difficult time, when the very concept of childhood changes, displacing our usual idea of ​​it. A variety of information is streaming onto the younger generation, the loads in schools go off the scale, and now we see a situation when the kids are already beginning to learn the computer almost from the cradle. What is it? The requirements of modern life or something else? Let’s try to figure it out together. There are both followers and opponents of Continue reading

What can tablets be like?

It would seem a banal question. But today, not everything is so simple: the boom on tablets does not subside, and competition is growing. Svyaznoy, for example, reports that tablet sales in Russia grew by almost 60% in the first quarter of this year (compared with sales in January-March 2013). So manufacturers, design bureaus and all those involved in the production of “tablets” try to please the customer in every possible way and invent something original, exclusive and progressive.

How different are tablets today and what can they be in the very near future? Eco-friendly and affordable The usual-looking tablet was created by Michael Castor based on the budget mini-computer Raspberry Pi Model B. This is a single-board computer with an ARM processor with a clock frequency of 700 MHz. Continue reading

Donald Davis Who invented the Internet?

Pushkin correctly said – we are lazy and inquisitive. And in any matter, without exception. Take, for example, the Internet. The one without which most of us no longer imagine life in general and comfortable life in particular. And without which, certainly, no one could read this article. Now try to name at least one person who, so to speak, invented the Internet.

No, of course, I know that the Internet is the same child who has many fathers. This miracle of modern technology has been created over the years by thousands of people. The easier it would seem, the task. Name at least one of this thousand. I warn you that neither Bill Gates nor Steve Jobs had anything to do with the creation of the Internet. I’m afraid that silence will be my answer. Unless someone remembers Continue reading

What is Rear Admiral Grace Hopper famous for?
Grace Hopper was an excellent mathematician and one of the first "encoders", so-called programmers. In…


Computer for graphics
Computer graphics can be divided into three-dimensional and two-dimensional. Three-dimensional consists of a skeleton and…


How to choose an antivirus program?
Each computer user often wonders what kind of antivirus is better. The Internet has enough…
