3D computer
What are 3D models? A 3D model is a virtual layout of an object. Three-dimensional…

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Choosing a computer correctly
Some people prefer to buy already-equipped models in stores, thinking that the specialists in them…

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Where to start learning programming?
How to learn the art of computer programming? And programming is an art! How to…

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hard drives

Goodbye personal computer?

In a large store of audio-video equipment, where he wandered for batteries, I watched the following picture. Three migrant workers from sunny Tajikistan (or Uzbekistan) were animatedly discussing a 17-inch laptop model worth about 60,000 rubles. They opened Vista menus, poked a finger at the price tag, got acquainted with the technical data. Clearly wanted to buy a typewriter. Being an individualist, I easily assume that someone is buying one. After all, a computer must be personal. For myself, for my wife, for a child, for elderly parents. You can also buy a dog. Everything is in full accordance with the best model of society – the consumer capitalist. Only it is unlikely that a guest worker will earn nearly 2,000 US tenge per laptop. It’s not only for him to live, he still needs to send a part of the money home to his wife and children. Well, is it possible to take for three … It turns out twenty thousand people. If for six – only 10 pieces. A netbook is more expensive, but here is a full-fledged laptop, a good brand, powerful hardware. Continue reading

Why does your site load for a long time?

Remember how often you get annoyed when you go to Odnoklassniki.ru. And the point here is not at all that you do not like to communicate on social networks or simply have something against the site’s management. Not at all, the whole problem is that you can have time to drink 5 cups of tea before the page of this resource loads in the browser. No matter how good, informative, and useful the site may be, it needs to work quickly. If this requirement is not met, in most cases the resource will lose its visitors, who will prefer a less high-quality, but faster portal, in return. Therefore, I would like to talk about the reasons for the slow operation of your resource, so that later you can move on to methods to eliminate Continue reading

Silent computer – is this possible? Quite!

The topic of silent operation of a personal computer has always been quite relevant, since in cramped apartments the noise of the computer is very disturbing to others. Let’s see what modern technologies can offer to a user who wants to give up noise.

Tablet computers The most obvious way today is to use a tablet PC (Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, etc.). Indeed, such devices are completely silent and quite suitable for web surfing, reading articles or books. However, the functionality of the “tablets” is still quite limited, and they simply are not suitable for any complex work. If, for example, you need to find a specific photo, edit it, write text in the forum Continue reading

What to choose - Nvidia or Radeon? Video cards
When buying a computer, the question of choosing a video card is acute. And everyone…


What can tablets be like?
It would seem a banal question. But today, not everything is so simple: the boom…


Computer for a designer
Designers are divided into those who work with two-dimensional graphics and three-dimensional. Working with 3D…
