What is a "computer generation"? Generation "2" and the following
“If the aviation industry had developed as rapidly as the computing industry in the past…

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How did Seymour Cray build supercomputers?
Elite customers bought the first supercomputers - the Atomic Energy Commission and the Weather Bureau.…

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The computer is very noisy
PC noise often interferes with collecting thoughts, annoying - especially in the absence of other…

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family members

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Goodbye personal computer?

In a large store of audio-video equipment, where he wandered for batteries, I watched the following picture. Three migrant workers from sunny Tajikistan (or Uzbekistan) were animatedly discussing a 17-inch laptop model worth about 60,000 rubles. They opened Vista menus, poked a finger at the price tag, got acquainted with the technical data. Clearly wanted to buy a typewriter. Being an individualist, I easily assume that someone is buying one. After all, a computer must be personal. For myself, for my wife, for a child, for elderly parents. You can also buy a dog. Everything is in full accordance with the best model of society – the consumer capitalist. Only it is unlikely that a guest worker will earn nearly 2,000 US tenge per laptop. It’s not only for him to live, he still needs to send a part of the money home to his wife and children. Well, is it possible to take for three … It turns out twenty thousand people. If for six – only 10 pieces. A netbook is more expensive, but here is a full-fledged laptop, a good brand, powerful hardware. Continue reading

Free software for the computer: “nothing to wear”?

You bought a computer for your home, turned it on … – and you immediately wanted to exclaim, like in a fairy tale: “But the king (that is, the computer) is naked!” I mean – there are almost no programs in it except an operating system such as MS Windows XP or Windows Vista / 7. That’s right – commercial user programs cost money, and considerable. Therefore, they must be reinstalled. This is similar to the fact that the new apartment has only walls, but no furniture. Further, computer users have two legal ways. One of them is honestly buying expensive software licenses (the option with installing “pirated” copies of programs is not considered). But there is another way, so simple that it seems incredible, to install legally free software! This will be discussed in the article.

Office software package This is about the Microsoft Office package, which includes the Word text editor, Excel spreadsheets, and others. The author was convinced in practice: many believe that these programs are part of the Continue reading

What is a tablet computer for?

What is a tablet computer for? First of all, so that a person is not tied to his home or workplace and can move freely anywhere, but at the same time be constantly in touch and up to date with all the events.

The tablet computer is equipped with a touch screen, and you can control it with a stylus or finger. Ease of management is that on a tablet computer you can work both using the keyboard and mouse, and without them. Why do you need a tablet computer, everyone decides for himself. For one, it’s just a fashion accessory, for another, it’s a necessary thing for work, the third gives presentations on it, the fourth just listens to music or watches a movie. Continue reading

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The computer is very noisy
PC noise often interferes with collecting thoughts, annoying - especially in the absence of other…


From Windows to Linux?
I have been repairing and maintaining computers for over 20 years. Started work at MSDOS.…


Home mini server? Easy and convenient
Many people associate with the word "server" with a large expensive computer installed in a…
