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How to choose a tablet?

If you have a child, then such a question does not arise before him. The answer is obvious – exactly the same as the most advanced peers. But since you pay for a tablet – regardless of whether you purchase it for yourself or for your beloved child, or even for parents – in any case, you have to, it’s better to evaluate the possible options more critically.

For the smallest, your child wants to have a fashionable gadget, although he can barely read the syllables and count to ten? Take your time to buy him a fashionable “toy”: firstly, for a baby it’s too expensive and fragile, and secondly, interest in the device at this age can easily turn into addiction. Electronics manufacturers have come up with an interesting solution for responsible parents – special children’s tablet computers. They usually have a fairly simple interface, a bright plastic case and a relatively low cost. This device is intended primarily for the development of young users. Initially, useful applications have already been downloaded to the tablet: a “reader” with a library of children’s literature, intellectual games, programs for teaching counting, reading and writing, and so on.

If desired, parents can download new applications themselves. In addition, children’s devices offer mom and dad an interesting opportunity – to track the progress of children in educational games. By the way, for this you do not even need to pick up a tablet – just register on a special site. For those who are older Which tablet would prefer a teenager? Of course, the latest iPad model! Well, or at least Samsung Galaxy … Dreaming is not harmful – we say to him and advise him to roll his lip. Buying an expensive device for a student is not a good decision. Even if it is not customary for your family to count money, you definitely should not indulge all the whims of children. Ask the child to name at least five objective reasons why he needs this particular fashion tablet. If she copes with the task and can convince you – why not give him a good thing as a reward? If it weren’t for a couple of “buts” yet … Having an expensive computer is in some way a risk: such a technique in the hands of a child is too much a temptation for others, and someone might be tempted to look at it. Well, if they just steal it – and if they attack in the gateway? But even if your student communicates exclusively with honest and decent peers, but their parents are not wealthy, expensive things can cause envy and oblique views. Therefore, it is better to choose a tablet simpler and cheaper, and even more desirable – more reliable and stronger. Teenagers – they are so … They break that which cannot be broken, and lose that which cannot be lost. For adults and smart If you choose a tablet for yourself, you probably already imagine why you need it – for work, for relaxation or for both. This partly determines the parameters that a future acquisition should have. And yet it will not be superfluous to once again evaluate three characteristics. First of all, you should decide which operating system you like. There are three options to choose from: iOS (the system for “iPhones” and “iPads”), Android (for example, Samsung works on it) and Windows. Keep in mind that manufacturers regularly release new versions of operating systems, so try to choose a device with the latest software. The higher the system number, the more likely it is that all the applications that you want to use will be suitable for it. Choose the size and weight of the tablet computer depending on whether you expect to carry it with you all the time or not. The most common screen diagonals are seven inches and ten inches. If the device most of the time will not leave your apartment, playing the role of a home computer, then feel free to choose the maximum size. Also, you can not do without a large screen if you need a tablet for watching movies or working with graphic objects. However, if mobility is important to you – it is better to prefer a small device. Another requirement for the tablet, on which its mobility depends, is the battery life without recharging. It is recommended that you pay more attention to user reviews than official data. Batteries are the weak point of all manufacturers, so they tend to overestimate indicators to attract buyers. For the older generation, Observations show that older people learn tablets much faster than regular computers and laptops. This is primarily due to the presence of a touch screen: device control with its help – unlike a mouse and keyboard – is carried out by simple and familiar movements (if you need to turn pages, we scroll with our fingers, if you need to enlarge a picture, we stretch the image, etc. d.).

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