How to choose a tablet?
If you have a child, then such a question does not arise before him. The…

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What is the Morris Worm?
In early November 1988, the first ever network attack on computers connected to the global…

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What is a "computer generation"? Generation "2" and the following
“If the aviation industry had developed as rapidly as the computing industry in the past…

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Goodbye personal computer?

In a large store of audio-video equipment, where he wandered for batteries, I watched the following picture. Three migrant workers from sunny Tajikistan (or Uzbekistan) were animatedly discussing a 17-inch laptop model worth about 60,000 rubles. They opened Vista menus, poked a finger at the price tag, got acquainted with the technical data. Clearly wanted to buy a typewriter. Being an individualist, I easily assume that someone is buying one. After all, a computer must be personal. For myself, for my wife, for a child, for elderly parents. You can also buy a dog. Everything is in full accordance with the best model of society – the consumer capitalist. Only it is unlikely that a guest worker will earn nearly 2,000 US tenge per laptop. It’s not only for him to live, he still needs to send a part of the money home to his wife and children. Well, is it possible to take for three … It turns out twenty thousand people. If for six – only 10 pieces. A netbook is more expensive, but here is a full-fledged laptop, a good brand, powerful hardware. Continue reading

Should I use a standard video editor? Windows movie maker

When a large amount of diverse video material is accumulated on the computer of an ordinary user, a definite desire arises (especially given the existence of the Internet and many social networks in it) to share it with as many people as possible.

Home video material such as filming holidays, hiking and other events is calmly laid out on the same YouTube video hosting, some more special shootings can be used to create a variety of video reviews, video blogs and similar Internet hobbies. In any case, the video material that should be posted on the Web often needs some work – if not color correction, then at least cropping unsuccessful fragments. Special programs for such work are video editors (video editors). Continue reading

How to choose a laptop? Specifications, keyboard and battery
The operating system and screen size are not the only important parameters of the laptop.…


How do daddy kids with computers decide the future?
Dad, kids and computer. Why not “mothers, children and a computer”? Because mom has something…


What revolutionary computer novelty did the manufacturer prepare for release? SPACE LUMINA
We are witnessing the advent of a new computer era, the era of the so-called…
