Home mini server? Easy and convenient
Many people associate with the word "server" with a large expensive computer installed in a…

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What is the Morris Worm?
In early November 1988, the first ever network attack on computers connected to the global…

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The motherboard and its role in personal computers
One of the most important components of your computer is the motherboard. However, her name…

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Will computers kill chess as a sport?

The question would seem to be simple, but finding the answer to it is not so simple. Let’s try to figure it out together. For centuries, chess has been a human game, but technology does not stand still. Mankind has long been trying to create an artificial brain in one sense or another of the word. The main task of this work is to teach the brain to think like a person. To do this, you need to come up with a methodology for checking “brain activity”, and according to programmers, chess is the best suited for this. Chess is a sport of the mind. Only the ability to think, think, analyze better (or, alternatively, in a different way) than your opponent does, will allow you to win. The first chess programs were very primitive. They evaluated which move would be the best in this situation, without having a common game strategy. This method of “thinking” usually ran counter to chess theory. On the one hand, a classical chess player familiar with the Continue reading

How to keep your computer healthy?

A computer is a universal tool that allows you to work, relax, chat, or shop. At the same time, even without visiting malicious sites, you cannot be sure of protecting your computer, as the search for vulnerabilities in the IT industry is always ahead of the development of protection. Thus, you should independently worry about the safety of your data with the help of an antivirus.

What is it and why is it necessary? The comfort of using a particular system is inversely related to security. This rule has some derogations, but in general terms it looks just like that. Therefore, no matter how comfortable it is to work, one must assume the possibility of hacking. Even by accessing regular pages and not clicking any unnecessary links, you can get malware onto your computer if the page you Continue reading

What can tablets be like?

It would seem a banal question. But today, not everything is so simple: the boom on tablets does not subside, and competition is growing. Svyaznoy, for example, reports that tablet sales in Russia grew by almost 60% in the first quarter of this year (compared with sales in January-March 2013). So manufacturers, design bureaus and all those involved in the production of “tablets” try to please the customer in every possible way and invent something original, exclusive and progressive.

How different are tablets today and what can they be in the very near future? Eco-friendly and affordable The usual-looking tablet was created by Michael Castor based on the budget mini-computer Raspberry Pi Model B. This is a single-board computer with an ARM processor with a clock frequency of 700 MHz. Continue reading

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Why and how to solve Web-Quest?
According to my observations, after the advent of various technologies in our lives, for example,…


What can tablets be like?
It would seem a banal question. But today, not everything is so simple: the boom…


How did Seymour Cray build supercomputers?
Elite customers bought the first supercomputers - the Atomic Energy Commission and the Weather Bureau.…
