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Work at the computer. How to avoid occupational diseases?

They came without an invitation and said: “Hello, allow me to introduce myself: these are we, three new diseases of the new century, -“ text neck ”,“ smartphone finger ”and“ dry eye ”. However, we, educated people who are knowledgeable in the rules of etiquette, do not want to answer them “very nice” and “welcome”.

Even judging only by the names of these diseases (in the foreign press, respectively, “text neck”, “smartphone finger”, “dry eye”), there is a feeling that we are talking about some sort of gang warfare. In fact, it is: these near-computer diseases are fighting against us, the near-computer population, fighting on all fronts. Not so long ago, electronic gadgets have come into our lives, and already more than 80% of white-collar workers in all developed countries suffer from symptoms of these diseases. In 2011, scientists from the British Physiotherapy Association said that the human body is not designed to communicate too closely with computers and mobile devices and that these diseases should be considered occupational diseases.

Let’s try to understand a little more in this topic. It is necessary to do something, and not to retreat and not surrender to the mercy of the winner, turning into a sick moaning generation. Drawing pains in the neck, headache, irritability, insomnia – these complaints are typical of all active computer users. A prolonged stay in a static position with the head tilted towards the monitor leads to the extreme convergence of the cervical vertebrae, compression of the blood vessels and nerves, while the blood flow is disturbed and the nervous system suffers. Just a few figures: the human head weighs an average of 4.5 kg (gross weight, including brains). This is the normal load our neck is designed for. By tilting our head 3 cm forward, we double the load, up to 9 kg. Now remember your pose in front of the computer or take a side look at a colleague … Those who already have a “text neck” will be helped by an orthopedic surgeon, and those who are still on the road should remember and follow some fairly simple recommendations of specialists: 1. Every hour take a break from work for 5-10 minutes, but not in order to smoke another cigarette or drink another cup of coffee. 2. Look away from the screen, straighten your back, raise your shoulders, take them back as far as possible and lower. The position of the head in this case is on the same line with the body. Repeat several times. 3. Hold a pencil between your teeth and write in the air the numbers from 1 to 10 and vice versa or the alphabet. I do not want? Inconvenient? Unusual? And it is necessary! We have no way out; the health reserve has a limit. Severe exhausting pains in the thumb area threaten those who constantly type SMS messages on the miniature keyboard of a smartphone. Keep in mind, doctors warn that the “smartphone finger” disease is difficult to treat. Before it’s too late, switch to voice messages. Symptoms of the dry eye disease are familiar to everyone. This is itching, redness, dryness, fatigue, inflamed eyelids. What initially creates discomfort and discomfort can very soon result in overwork of the eye muscles and a decrease in visual acuity. The fact is that normally a person should blink 20–25 times per minute. Due to this, the glands of the eyelids are emptied. The lacrimal glands produce a tear film, which protects the eye from drying out and maintains its uniform hydration. However, focusing on work, carefully looking at the computer screen, we blink 12 times less than necessary. In addition, we are constantly located in rooms where air conditioners or heating systems dry the air, it is also very harmful to the eyes. Ophthalmologists insistently advise doing eye exercises several times a day. Before that, take off your glasses, sit down freely, without straining, breathe deeply and evenly. 1. “I see the goal”: to look into the distance, at any object outside the window, and then smoothly transfer it to an object located closer (but not to the computer), repeat 3-4 times. 2. “20−20−20”: every 20 minutes, blink 20 seconds for 20 times. 3. “Magic hands”. Rub your palms vigorously against one another to make them warm. Place your elbows on the table. Close your eyes with your palms, folding them crosswise. Palms should not put pressure on the eyes. Do not forget that in pharmacies there is a wide selection of eye drops – substitutes for tears. They can be buried up to 6 times a day. They have almost no contraindications, but the advice of a doctor is needed. And now I want to return to the beginning of this article, namely, the appeal “We must do something!” Readers of the older generation remember the notes published in Literaturnaya Gazeta under the heading “If I were the Director …” Imitating this style, I would I wanted to fantasize a little on our current and not at all ridiculous topic. Human health! What could be more serious! So, if I were the director (and I would be a smart director who understands that it is financially profitable for him to have healthy workers) and would know that the health status of 80% of the employees in my office is at risk, I would: 1. Give the technical service two tasks.

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