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Notebooks: thinking about the features of choice

Laptops have long ceased to be inferior to personal computers. If you want to buy a laptop, it is better to immediately think about what purpose it will be used. This purchase is not cheap, so it’s better to immediately get decent equipment.

Choose a laptop according to the parameters should be guided by some rules. You need to start from the monitor. There is a stereotype that a laptop is not able to give an image of such high quality as on a PC. However, these are only rumors.

A common diagonal of the screen of laptops in the region from 15 to 17.5 inches.

Such a machine will allow you to work comfortably, as well as have fun, watch videos and photos. The internal content of such laptops is the same as that of desktop computers. A laptop is very convenient when transporting, but some complain about dimensions that are inappropriate for work on the road. They can be advised to take the same thing with a smaller diagonal. The choice of model directly depends on the resolution of the laptop. The most common resolutions are from 1024 × 768 to 1400 × 1050. If you only need a laptop to work in a text editor, the minimum resolution is also suitable. Designers and other professionals working with graphics need the highest resolution, reaching 1920×1200.

The next parameter to focus on is the battery life. Of course, it’s very convenient that you can easily take a laptop with you to the street, to a cafe, somewhere on a trip, but you need to understand that it will work until its own battery is exhausted. Standard laptop can last without recharging for two hours. In the modern advanced century, there are models that work 9 hours without a break, but how much can this cost? If you want to extend the battery life when there is no charge, you have to stock up with another battery.

The choice of a laptop by processor parameters should be based on what programs you have to deal with. Powerful programs “prefer” a powerful processor, ordinary users can get by with a simple 1 GHz processor. If someone is not too versed in the technical specifications, it will be enough for him to get acquainted with information about the main manufacturers. For example, one of the leading companies now is Intel.

In an effort to improve laptops, manufacturers are trying to reduce the size of some models. In this regard, each model has its own motherboard. For this reason, no further upgrade will be possible. It is much more important to be able to increase RAM. The hard drive, as you know, is the main storage medium. The volume is selected at will, but it is worth considering whether more will be wanted. Before buying, you can clarify whether it is really possible to replace the hard drive in the future – this is an individual feature of some laptops. The minimum volume required for full-fledged work is 256 MB. The smaller the RAM, the more space is taken up on the hard drive. Because of this, the speed decreases, and more energy is spent. You can increase the RAM by contacting a service center for help.

When buying, you definitely need to know about the video card. The process with the motherboard is responsible for playing video in budget models. This is enough for normal viewing of videos and images. When working in 3D editors, photo and video processing programs, laptops with a separate graphics card will give the best quality. A more powerful model will cost more.

Sound card is a standard built-in element. A laptop keyboard differs from a PC keyboard in separate keys arranged differently. The letter layout does not change. The role of the mouse on the laptop is played by the touch panel, maybe a joystick. This is not always convenient, so connecting the mouse to a laptop is thoughtful.

Additional features are provided by USB, Bluetooth and infrared ports. Bluetooth is very convenient when transferring data at high speed.

Do not forget that size, body and weight matter! A laptop similar in configuration to a PC will definitely exceed 5 kg. If you have to take a laptop everywhere with you, it will be difficult and inconvenient, it is better to buy a model easier and immediately with a carrying case. Cases are most often made of plastic or alloy.

The first is more susceptible to damage, but will last a long time with proper operation.

It is not right to be guided when buying a laptop with the advice of friends or to chase after fashion and buy cool equipment. Of course, manufacturers improve the design and functions of products, but the product should remain affordable to the average buyer. For advice, it is better to contact the seller-consultant. He will help you choose the right model that will serve the client faithfully and for a long time.