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Steve Jobs: why did he succeed?

Apple fans realized that this was inevitable. Their antagonists and indifferents did not think about this. October 5, 2011 Steve Jobs passed away …

If you have never seen records of his speeches, you probably draw him like this: an unprincipled, bile-oriented person oriented to profit. After all, only such a person could become a leader among business sharks? Watch iPhone, iPad, Stanford, or Steve Jobs presentations or interviews. You will understand that this is a sincere and intelligent person who achieved success only because he was engaged in a business for which he was born.

The story of his life is interesting even without the fact that he created the most famous IT company, the most expensive brand on our planet, and that has become an icon of youth around the world. His life is all our unaccepted decisions and unrealized ideas, this is all that we wanted, but that we could not decide on. Ab origine, or from the very beginning, His mother, being a teenager and becoming pregnant, decided to give the child up for adoption. She was looking for parents on her own, and the main criterion was the availability of education. When she finally found them, it turned out that an educated lawyer did not need a child-boy, so the couple without any education became his parents. The biological mother of Steve Jobs agreed to this only after the promise of the spouses that the boy would graduate from college. After 17 years, Steve Jobs went to college, but threw it already through the weather. “I had no idea what I would do with my life, and I did not know how college could help me figure this out.” Now remember, you never wanted to drop out because it is useless? You didn’t want to look for your way in youth? Have you decided on this? Steve Jobs made up his mind. It was not easy – living in friends’ rooms, spending the night on the floor, complete lack of money and a good lunch once a week. “That was my best decision. I enjoyed life. ” Apple, led by Steve Jobs, was the first to mass-produce personal computers and challenged the giant IBM and Microsoft. And, as you know, Jobs won this race. Not only that, he proved that Apple’s success depended on him when he was banned from the company in 1985. In 1997, Steve Jobs returned. He put the company on its feet – he managed to get the company out of the protracted crisis. “Work will occupy most of your life. And the only way to be satisfied with yourself is to do what you yourself think is a great thing. And the only way to do something well is to love what you do. ” By the way, do you know what the founder of Apple did when he was out of work in 1985? He created the world’s most successful animation company, Pixar. Then he sold it to Walt Disney and became the main shareholder. Memento mori, or remember death In 2003, he first learned his sentence: pancreatic cancer. He had a special form – one that could be cured by surgery. But the likelihood of this was so small that the doctor cried when he reported the news. Steve Jobs by this time was beginning to get used to the idea that he had only a few days. This incident only once again reminded Steve Jobs that every day you need to live as if he were the last. “Reminding myself that I was going to die, I could make the most important decisions in my life.” The second time he passed the test of death, when he needed a liver transplant, and the donor could not be found until the last moment. This happened two years ago: by that time it was already noticeable that the head of Apple had lost a lot of weight, his voice had changed, mass media and blogs were talking about a relapse of cancer. That was probably the case. But Steve Jobs continued to fight and continued to work – to do the work of his life. Unfortunately, having met death for the third time, on October 5, 2011, he could not remain the winner. And it seemed that he could do everything thanks to his energy and determination. His whole life is a triumph of will. And the last day, it seemed, would never come until Steve Jobs himself wanted it.

Aeternae veritates, or eternal truths What new and unexpected said Steve Jobs? What do you need to find yourself? What do you need to do what you love? What you need to live every day, like the last? Tell me, which of all this have you never heard? Have you seen a person who follows these rules? On the lips of Steve Jobs, these truths sound different: more convincing and brighter. Because he honestly followed them.

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