3D computer
What are 3D models? A 3D model is a virtual layout of an object. Three-dimensional…

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Who invented the Ctrl-Alt-Del combination?
This year, personal computers turn 33 years old. And how many miracles for this short…

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What can tablets be like?
It would seem a banal question. But today, not everything is so simple: the boom…

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video hosting

How to replace a computer mouse? The future is now!

While corporations are creating the future, I will offer a fairly simple “innovative” solution that helps with computer work. All that is needed is to replace the mouse-type manipulator with the pen of a graphic tablet (like the Genius G-560 or Wacom Bamboo One). Please do not confuse graphic tablets with devices such as iPad. A pen tablet is only a device for inputting information into a computer. I will not scare the horror stories about carpal tunnel syndrome from working with the “mouse”. The pen and tablet are simply more comfortable to use, and the hand gets tired much less and gets tired more slowly. Tablets are inexpensive – because you do not need a professional model for drawing. You can even take a used one. Continue reading

How did I master the Internet? The story of the monkey and glasses …

In our century, the century of new technologies and a mass of information, sooner or later we all become interested in the Internet. So am I. Hands were scratched, I wanted to “get to know” him. And now the connection is configured! Cheers cheers!

“I go in” for the first time on the Internet and, like the sheep that stared at the gate, I look at all these icons, letters, numbers. Oh la la, why not! And what is it eaten with? Which button to press? Moreover, I master it myself, without courses. Oh! Send push-buttons! I’ll go there, and look here! From these pushers, such a mess in my head formed, well, a clean assortment. A few days later the assorted resolved. I took up the textbooks. Well, just like a first grader, I studied page by page and immediately into the computer, to practice. Continue reading

Should I use a standard video editor? Windows movie maker

When a large amount of diverse video material is accumulated on the computer of an ordinary user, a definite desire arises (especially given the existence of the Internet and many social networks in it) to share it with as many people as possible.

Home video material such as filming holidays, hiking and other events is calmly laid out on the same YouTube video hosting, some more special shootings can be used to create a variety of video reviews, video blogs and similar Internet hobbies. In any case, the video material that should be posted on the Web often needs some work – if not color correction, then at least cropping unsuccessful fragments. Special programs for such work are video editors (video editors). Continue reading

3D computer
What are 3D models? A 3D model is a virtual layout of an object. Three-dimensional…


Computer graphics. What is it?
Speaking in a dry scientific language, computer graphics (for brevity we will call it CG,…


Is it possible to create thinking machines? Alan Turing: Between the Past and the Future of Computer Engineering
The second half of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century were marked…
