Computer for graphics
Computer graphics can be divided into three-dimensional and two-dimensional. Three-dimensional consists of a skeleton and…

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The motherboard and its role in personal computers
One of the most important components of your computer is the motherboard. However, her name…

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How much did the first personal computer cost?
I must say that April 1 was a suitable day for the birth of a…

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bring money

Home mini server? Easy and convenient

Many people associate with the word “server” with a large expensive computer installed in a separate room, and with the constantly gloomy system administrator on duty near this farm

Far fewer users know that for a long time there have been home mini-servers on sale, weighing only about 200 grams, without moving parts (which means completely silent), costing $ 100-200. Why is this needed? In fact, the home server is a fully configured and ready-to-work mini-computer that provides users with many useful features. The technology is called NAS (Network Attached Storage), which translates as “network storage”, but the functions of modern devices go far beyond simple file storage. Continue reading

Steve Jobs: why did he succeed?

Apple fans realized that this was inevitable. Their antagonists and indifferents did not think about this. October 5, 2011 Steve Jobs passed away …

If you have never seen records of his speeches, you probably draw him like this: an unprincipled, bile-oriented person oriented to profit. After all, only such a person could become a leader among business sharks? Watch iPhone, iPad, Stanford, or Steve Jobs presentations or interviews. You will understand that this is a sincere and intelligent person who achieved success only because he was engaged in a business for which he was born. Continue reading

Computer graphics. What is it?

Speaking in a dry scientific language, computer graphics (for brevity we will call it CG, in the colloquial terms of users – CJ) refers to the field of computer science, which studies methods and means of creating and processing images using hardware and software systems.

This is read by a person who is far from such high matters, understands little, is frightened and involuntarily makes himself negative about her. But there is nothing to be afraid of. CG for us now is the second environment after the environment of nature, which many have ceased to see, sitting in the city walls and facing the monitor. If translated into a very simple language, then CG are those images that we see on this very monitor or screen and which are easy to copy, for example, onto paper, which has still remained one of the external storage media. Continue reading

How to choose a laptop? Specifications, keyboard and battery
The operating system and screen size are not the only important parameters of the laptop.…


Home mini server? Easy and convenient
Many people associate with the word "server" with a large expensive computer installed in a…


What to choose - Nvidia or Radeon? Video cards
When buying a computer, the question of choosing a video card is acute. And everyone…
