How to replace a computer mouse? The future is now!
While corporations are creating the future, I will offer a fairly simple “innovative” solution that…

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How to get a Turing Award?
The most famous scientific award in the world is undoubtedly the Nobel Prize. It was…

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How to choose a laptop? Specifications, keyboard and battery
The operating system and screen size are not the only important parameters of the laptop.…

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aviation industry

Silent computer – is this possible? Quite!

The topic of silent operation of a personal computer has always been quite relevant, since in cramped apartments the noise of the computer is very disturbing to others. Let’s see what modern technologies can offer to a user who wants to give up noise.

Tablet computers The most obvious way today is to use a tablet PC (Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab, etc.). Indeed, such devices are completely silent and quite suitable for web surfing, reading articles or books. However, the functionality of the “tablets” is still quite limited, and they simply are not suitable for any complex work. If, for example, you need to find a specific photo, edit it, write text in the forum Continue reading

Donald Davis Who invented the Internet?

Pushkin correctly said – we are lazy and inquisitive. And in any matter, without exception. Take, for example, the Internet. The one without which most of us no longer imagine life in general and comfortable life in particular. And without which, certainly, no one could read this article. Now try to name at least one person who, so to speak, invented the Internet.

No, of course, I know that the Internet is the same child who has many fathers. This miracle of modern technology has been created over the years by thousands of people. The easier it would seem, the task. Name at least one of this thousand. I warn you that neither Bill Gates nor Steve Jobs had anything to do with the creation of the Internet. I’m afraid that silence will be my answer. Unless someone remembers Continue reading

How do daddy kids with computers decide the future?

Dad, kids and computer. Why not “mothers, children and a computer”? Because mom has something to do in the house, and dad – not always. Most dads do not know how and do not want to do anything. They bring money. Moms tolerate any antics of dads for the money. If dad just lies on the couch, resting, then mom was lucky, this is the minimum evil.

And also because dad is power. Power in the house. And if there is no power, then there is no father. If the head of the family is mom, then dad is another child, and with a developmental delay. So, what happens in the house when there is a computer in it (almost everyone has it now)? Continue reading

Work at the computer. How to avoid occupational diseases?
They came without an invitation and said: “Hello, allow me to introduce myself: these are…


What can tablets be like?
It would seem a banal question. But today, not everything is so simple: the boom…


Silent computer - is this possible? Quite!
The topic of silent operation of a personal computer has always been quite relevant, since…
