What is a "computer generation"? Generation "2" and the following
“If the aviation industry had developed as rapidly as the computing industry in the past…

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Is it possible to create thinking machines? Alan Turing: Between the Past and the Future of Computer Engineering
The second half of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century were marked…

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Donald Davis Who invented the Internet?
Pushkin correctly said - we are lazy and inquisitive. And in any matter, without exception.…

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Monthly Archives: September 2019

Computer for graphics

Computer graphics can be divided into three-dimensional and two-dimensional. Three-dimensional consists of a skeleton and texture, and also sometimes of specified physical properties. Two-dimensional graphics are ordinary pictures. To process 3D scenes, you need a powerful computer. For ordinary 2D graphics, more power is not needed. It is much more important to have the right monitor, and preferably two ..

Types of 2D Graphics
Vector – such images are stored in the form of geometric shapes, lines, points and circles. The convenience of this type of graphics is that it is easier to work with it in the future: quality is not lost when you increase, you can easily edit it after creation. This is the raw material for creating raster images. Continue reading

Computer for a designer

Designers are divided into those who work with two-dimensional graphics and three-dimensional. Working with 3D objects is more resource intensive. If you need a computer to work in both areas, combining two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphics, then when you select it, you need to focus on higher system requirements – for 3D programs.

To make it easier for you to understand what kind of hardware is needed, we will talk about the most popular programs for graphics and design and their requirements for computers. You can also use a laptop, when choosing its filling the rules are slightly different, we will also talk about them. Continue reading

What is Rear Admiral Grace Hopper famous for?
Grace Hopper was an excellent mathematician and one of the first "encoders", so-called programmers. In…


Can I start programming in 5 minutes? Is quite real
The topic of programming lessons has been raised more than once, but many of these…


Notebooks: thinking about the features of choice
Laptops have long ceased to be inferior to personal computers. If you want to buy…
