Silent computer - is this possible? Quite!
The topic of silent operation of a personal computer has always been quite relevant, since…

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The motherboard and its role in personal computers
One of the most important components of your computer is the motherboard. However, her name…

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How to keep your computer healthy?
A computer is a universal tool that allows you to work, relax, chat, or shop.…

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How to choose a tablet?

If you have a child, then such a question does not arise before him. The answer is obvious – exactly the same as the most advanced peers. But since you pay for a tablet – regardless of whether you purchase it for yourself or for your beloved child, or even for parents – in any case, you have to, it’s better to evaluate the possible options more critically.

For the smallest, your child wants to have a fashionable gadget, although he can barely read the syllables and count to ten? Take your time to buy him a fashionable “toy”: firstly, for a baby it’s too expensive and fragile, and secondly, interest in the device at this age can easily turn into addiction. Electronics Continue reading

What is Rear Admiral Grace Hopper famous for?

Grace Hopper was an excellent mathematician and one of the first “encoders”, so-called programmers. In the mid-twentieth century, she, as an officer of the US Navy, like everyone who was “close” to computers, worked at Harvard in the department that was engaged in obtaining ballistic tables for artillery tasks.

So Grace Hopper is considered one of the first programmers in the world: she worked on the computer of Mark I, the former, in fact, a giant calculator. The giant Mark I was intended for the computational processes of obtaining artillery ballistic tables, in the already written algorithm, mathematical tasks (modules) of a general nature were provided. Hopper and her colleagues (by the way, there were much more female programmers involved in coding than men) coped with this – they first applied Continue reading

Who are the first hackers?

Interestingly, modern schoolchildren and students of technical universities realize that the history of computers did not begin with Bill Gates, and the first hackers did not hack servers, and wrote … games for entertainment?

Let’s start from the middle, because for a correct logical narrative, one would have to start from the 50s of the last century. And today, few will master this information, and not because it’s boring, but because it’s all such junk, the first “humanized” programming languages ​​Beisk, Fortran, Kobol and even Pascal existing today. They are as ancient as the real human languages, Latin and ancient Greek, and, thank Continue reading

What is a tablet computer for?
What is a tablet computer for? First of all, so that a person is not…


Choosing a computer correctly
Some people prefer to buy already-equipped models in stores, thinking that the specialists in them…


What revolutionary computer novelty did the manufacturer prepare for release? SPACE LUMINA
We are witnessing the advent of a new computer era, the era of the so-called…
